Welcome to Senior News! This is a monthly article that focuses on topics relevant to seniors and provides tips that are important to them. Our goal is to be a resource to seniors and their families.
Aging or getting older is not something that anyone looks forward to. It is a fact of life. Aging doesn’t mean that you will have a list of health problems or a poor quality of life. To live a long and healthy life requires effort. Eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in physical activities, and having a social life are important for overall good health and will help you deal with the normal aging process.

Aging involves change, so don’t be surprised with what happens to your body as you age. These changes may be both negative and positive, but you can enjoy aging if you understand what’s going on with your body and take necessary steps to maintain your health and well-being. Changes in your eyes, skin, bones, and even brain may occur and these organs may behave differently. Prepare for the changes. Don’t let the changes that come with old age catch you by surprise!
Here are some tips to aging well so that you live a healthy and active life.
Get Rest - as you age your body will need more rest to rejuvenate. So, try to get at least 10 hours of sleep each night. Don’t deprive your body of the rest it needs to be healthy.
Get Moving - get out of the house and get physically active. Do some form of exercise on a daily basis. Grab a friend and go walking, swimming or go to the gym and take a class. Anything to get up, out and moving. Maintaining your physical health is important to healthy aging.
Socialize - make and keep friends so you can stay socially active within your community. Having a network of friends can help keep you busy, bring joy and laughter which will enhance your emotional and mental well being.
Eat Healthy - a well-balanced diet is essential to staying healthy. Reduce your salt and sugar intake, eliminate junk food and replace with foods that are high in fiber, low-fat, and low-cholesterol. Don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
See your DOCTOR - regular check ups with your Primary Care Doctor, Optometrist, Dentist, OB/GYN and Urologist is very important. Don’t put it off. Don’t neglect yourself. See your doctor and follow their Medical Advice… And don’t forget to take your medication as prescribed by your DOCTOR.

Healthy eating, regular exercise, a good social life and eliminating harmful habits like smoking can help reduce chronic illnesses and maintain a healthy and long life. Practicing healthy habits throughout your life is ideal, but it is NEVER too late to start taking care of yourself and living a healthy lifestyle. So go ahead, embrace a healthy lifestyle and live and enjoy each day AND live the best and healthiest life you can as you age.
Corlette Deveaux is CEO of DG Incorporated, A Marketing and Business Development Agency. She is a Senior Advocate, Philanthropist, and true Humanitarian. The Agency works with entrepreneurs across industries to provide the highest level of service and professionalism. Some of the Clients serviced are in various industries including: Residential Assisted Living Facilities (RALFs), Adult Day Care, Non-profit organizations, Physicians, Pharmacists, Medical and non-medical entrepreneurs.
This article was previously published in Century Village Newspaper.